Mohamad Aizam Firdauz B. Nor Azizi . 19years old. Johorean . Accounting Student at UiTM Johor:)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Aizam's tag (First dari aqo...)

Bermula dengan bismillah ( bajet alim ) aku mulakan post yang terbaru ni.Tiada apa yang nak dikongsi tapi hanya matlamat menjawab tag rakan bloggerku yang comeyl merangkap Jiran Mak Jah atau lebih glamour dengan nama Radiusi Maya Algebra.

1)When do you want to get married?
-bila sudah1) dapat kerja tetap, ada rumah & kereta sport sendiri

2) What do you want the most now?
- nadra lah! (masih na msuk line)

3) Who is the person you trust the most?
- lovely family

4) Do you think you have enough confidence?
- belum confidence cara2 nak takel awek Indonesia & Jepun.yg len sudah confidence.

5) If you can have a dream come true, what would it be?- become one of Manchester United's player & wearing jersey No. 7(padan muka Ronaldo xde baju!)

6) Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
- yeah, cikgu sains sekolah rendah aku cakap pembiasan cahaya.btul kan?

7) What are you afraid to lose right now?
- Family, nadra, friends & mitsubishi lancer

8) Do you believe in eternal love?
- tah, ask Tuhan Yang Esa

9) If you meet someone you love, will you confess to him/her?
- i don't know

10) List out 3 good points of the reason who tagged you.
- cantik, menarik, tertarik kau mmg deboom! (cuba nyanyi ikut lagu Ruffedge)

11) What are the requirement do you wish from the other half?
- bisa katakan apa sahaja dong

12) What the type of person you hate the most?
- gedik, batu api & suka mengumpat(character lebih kurang Rita Rudaini dalam cerita Mami Jarum)

13) Do you cherish every friendship of yours?
- Sometime jek sebab manusia mesti pernah buat silap

14) What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
- Parents, friends, nyawaku & ibadahku

15) Do you find the needs to have a boyfriend?
- Bajet la oi.Haha

16) At this point in time, would you rather to be heartbreaker or heartbroken?
- Aku bukan insan bertanduk dua yang sanggup menjadi heartbreaker.

17) What kind of friend do you want to be in your friend's eye?
- Boleh share masalah, sporting & suka buat lawak sampai terburai usus perut

18) Describe the person who tagged you in 6 words.
- Awek comel baik jiran mak jah.

19) The place you wanted to go most with your loved ones.
- Makkah, bila sedar diri sudah nak putus nyawa(lagi awal lagi bagus).Aku insan berat dosa yang ingin bersihkan jiwa.

20) I'm going to tag..- Sian korang aku saja nak tag.Terpulang nak jawab ke x ya!
- mamah
- bella
- zach(Nah! aku tag jugak.)
- fyda
- mimah
Maaf Aku Tak Pandai Menulis, Kalau Bercerita Aku Pandai.

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